
Whatever: Is Mormonism America's most promising legacy?

Slate seems to think so.
At least from a religious standpoint.
Americans will leave a legacy of basketball and Jazz long after our schools and buildings crumble, but what about a religion?
The Romans had Catholicism, which still carries strong Roman traditions to this day.
Surprisingly, Mormons, with their apocalyptic mentality and unceasing work ethic, might be the best prepared.

Levin writes:

The Latter-day Saints' oscillation between contemporary society and their pioneer days makes them the perfect time capsule: They will always retain a piece of the American character, yet they have enough of a toehold in the past—and enough grain in the silo—to resume their pre-modern ways.

If the Mormon Church does someday become a proxy for the United States, what parts of American civilization will survive? "Things that used to be American—motherhood and apple pie—would be restored to primacy," Orson Scott Card says. Perhaps the wholesome Osmond family will come to represent the pinnacle of American entertainment, and Stephen Covey—the Mormon writer behind The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People—will be hailed as our society's leading philosopher. Long sideburns will forever recede from memory. More seriously, a Mormon society would continue to speak English, to spread the gospel of capitalism, and to put forward the idea that America was and is a sacred place, a nation worth remembering and preserving.

1 comment:

  1. ...and the Twilight series will become mandatory reading for all English lit classes...
